Simple Happiness Exercise

Simple Happiness Exercise

You ready?  OK, so here is something guaranteed to give you a little glow.  If not, I’ll give you your money back….oh, wait… 1. Get a pen and paper. 2. Think of someone who has been kind to you but you have never thanked properly. 3. Write them a...
Gratitude – the evidence

Gratitude – the evidence

BREAKING NEWS!!! The Gratitude Garden is now out for user testing in Canada.  Are you Canadian?  If so please tell your friends, neighbours, the postman etc. So why the big deal about gratitude?  Well, it seems to be closely linked with happiness. I’ll be...
Risking Being Mocked

Risking Being Mocked

As someone who wants to rabbit on about happiness, how to be happier, and actually wants people to listen, one of the first things I realised I needed to do was to admit that I didn’t start from a place of happiness.  Otherwise I ran a serious risk of being...
Quick way to be happier – get better sleep

Quick way to be happier – get better sleep

So an admission… I came home last night night after a lovely evening, had a relaxing bath, and then watched TV in bed (The Voice if you must know) until the early hours of the morning.  I woke up this morning feeling disorientated and guilty.  On the one hand, I...